Om Bla Bla
Om Bla Bla

Stuffed Pointed Gourd (Parwal) Recipe

Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe

How to make Stuffed Pointed Gourd (Parwal) Recipe ?

Preparation Time: 10 minute
Cooking Time:
Serve: 4

Ingredients for Stuffed Pointed Gourd (Parwal) Recipe

# Ingredients
1. 250 gram Pointed Gourd
2. 3 tbsp oil
3. 3 tbsp gram flour
4. 5 cloves garlic
5. 1/2 tbsp red chili powder
6. 1/4 tbsp Turmeric powder
7. 1/4 tbsp jaggery
8. 1/2 tbsp coriander- cumin powder
9. Salt to taste
10. 2 tbsp coriander leaves, chopped

Steps of Stuffed Pointed Gourd (Parwal) Recipe

# Steps
1. Scrap the Pointed Gourds. Slit the pointed gourd one side. Remove the ripe seeds and keep the soft and un-ripe seed in a bowl. Keep the pointed gourd aside.
2. In a mortal & pestle, add the garlic and red chili powder and pound to a coarse mixture.
3. Again in a mortal & pestle, add un-ripe pointed gourd seeds and pound to a coarse paste.
4. Take bowl and add gram flour, turmeric powder, coriander – cumin powder, jaggery, prepared garlic chili paste, unripe pointed gourds seeds paste, coriander leaves, salt and 1 tbsp oil and Mix well.
5. Fill the little mixture in pointed gourds. (Make sure do not fill pointed gourd tightly.) and keep remaining mixture aside.
6. In a pan heat the oil and Add stuffed pointed gourd. Cover the pan and cook pointed guard for 15 to 20 minute on low flame while sauté in between. (Or Pressure cooks it for 1 whistle by adding 2tbsp water).
7. Add remaining Mixture and sauté it for a minute.
Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe - 1 Scrap the Pointed Gourds. Slit the pointed gourd one side. Remove the ripe seeds and keep the soft and un-ripe seed in a bowl. Keep the pointed gourd aside. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe - 2 In a bowl add gram flour Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-3 add coriander Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-4 In a mortal & pestle, add un-ripe pointed gourd seeds and pound to a coarse paste. and add into the bowl. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-5 Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-6 Add turmeric powder, salt and coriander - cumin powder. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-7 Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-8 In a mortal & pestle, add the garlic and red chili powder and pound to a coarse mixture. and add to the mixture Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-9 Add oil into the mixture and mix well. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-10 Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-11 Take the pointed guard and fill the little mixture into it. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-12 Do same for all the pointed gourd Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-13 Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe-14 In a pan heat the oil and put all pointed gaurd in to the pan. Cover it and cook for 15 minute or Pressure cook it upto one whistle. Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal) recipe Ready to serve Stuffed Pointed Gourd(Parwal)

About Author of Stuffed Pointed Gourd (Parwal) Recipe

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